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Don't be afraid to dream a little bigger

Don't be afraid to dream a little bigger


Hi! I'm Laynna Badgett the Founder and Executive Director of the Meaningful Life Foundation. I created this organization as an expansion of my original company, Dance Reflections, Wichita's first and only dance studio specifically for individuals with developmental disabilities. Through my dance studio I've had the opportunity to teach hundreds of students with special abilities, worked with like-minded organizations serving the same population, hosted numerous talent events and most importantly made deep, lasting relationships with my students and their families. I truly believe this is the community I was meant to serve and by expanding programs through the Meaningful Life Foundation, I will make this passion my livelihood. 


I have an entrepreneurial heart which means I DREAM BIG. I have high expectations for my students and big aspirations for this foundation. I hope to be a full service facilitator for my students to live the most productive, meaningful life possible. I believe they can be productive members of their community, build successful relationships with their peers (typical and neurodiverse) and ultimately live an independent lifestyle. They deserve the same opportunities as their typical peers and are capable of much more than they are often allowed. I hope to not only change the lives of my students but the attitudes of our community towards the population of individuals with disabilities. We have so much to gain by living inclusively; acceptance, kindness, joy and inspiration. 


Thank you for following our journey. There are many ways you can be involved in our growth.

Check out the rest of the site for information on programs, special events, fundraisers and corporate sponsorship. 


With Love,

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